Beautiful is a 2011 Indian Malayalam musical drama thriller film written by Anoop Menon and directed by V. K. Prakash. The film stars Jayasurya, Anoop Menon and Meghana Raj in the lead roles. The cine...
Find out more, including where to stream or buy >Mamachan is a forty-year-old man, who gets involved in politics due to his father. He becomes a national leader and contests for elections. In the course of his work, he meets a young girl and falls i...
Find out more, including where to stream or buy >Randu is a socio-political satire that hilariously portrays how the quite normal life of a village youth namely Vava is disturbed by the acts of some communal groups in the village. The current social...
Find out more, including where to stream or buy >Johnny is a thief who never got caught. One day he find Adam changed his life
Find out more, including where to stream or buy >Devayani wishes to become a doctor, but ends up becoming a taxi driver when the responsibilities fell on her shoulders after the death of her father. When a woman starts driving a car the people aroun...
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