> Felix Chong
The story revolves around three members of a police surveillance squad conducting an investigation into a financial investment group involved in criminal fraud. The focus of the plot, however, is actu...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent OverheardThe Hong Kong police is hunting a counterfeiting gang led by a mastermind code-named "Painter" . The gang possesses exceptional counterfeiting skills which makes it difficult to distinguish the authen...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Project GutenbergManson Law, a celebrated stockbroker in Hong Kong, is injured in a car accident. The police, led by Inspector Jack Ho, discovers a military surveillance device in the car wreck. Meanwhile, the wiretap...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Overheard 2During the warring period of the three kingdoms, ancient China is in turmoil. To unify the country, general Cao Cao, the real power behind the Emperor, enlists the aid of the greatest warrior in the l...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent The Lost BladesmanLaw was a chauffeur for the rural tycoon Luk, and he was jailed for killing a major land owner in a car accident. It was rumored that Luk was behind the land owner’s death, which gave Luk a competitiv...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Overheard 3Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful chain of restaurants, his loving wife, and his two...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Once a Gangster