> Other titles like The Hard Way


Titles similar to The Hard Way

Escape from Death Block 13

Escape from Death Block 13

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Film Age rating: 16 Year: 2021 IMDB Rating: 4.4

After the death of his brother, Mick travels to America to seek Justice. Wrongly convicted of extortion and attempted murder, Mick is sent to Pleasant Hill Penitentiary's notorious death block 13. See...

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Split Lip

Split Lip

UK flag Eire flag Canada flag USA flag
Film Age rating: n/a Year: 2019 IMDB Rating: 3.6

In the underground world of contract killers, mistakes cannot be tolerated. Set "Doreé Seay", a top brutal mercenary with an icy exterior, finds out the hard way when one mistake sends her on a treach...

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The Way

The Way

UK flag Canada flag USA flag
Film Age rating: 18 Year: 2021 IMDB Rating: 4.7

13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Dea...

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