> Animated television series about ducks
The adventures of an inventive boy named Zack and his best friend, a young duck called Quack. Resourceful friend and neighbour, Kira, joins the dazzling duo on each adventure and is on hand to fix any...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Zack & QuackA precocious 5-year-old named Maggie conjures up an imaginary land where she and her favorite toys, Hamilton Hocks and Ferocious Beast, can play and have adventures. The Ferocious Beast is anything bu...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Maggie and the Ferocious BeastMighty Ducks is an American animated television series that aired on ABC and The Disney Afternoon in the fall of 1996. The show was inspired by and loosely based on the live-action films and NHL team...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Mighty Ducks: The Animated SeriesP. King, the daring but hapless duck, teams up with best buddies Wombat and Chumpkins to find wacky and wild ways to solve their problems.
Find out more, including where to buy or rent P. King DucklingTwo ducks fly around in a rocket-powered van, delivering bread to other ducks in Pondgea.
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Breadwinners